The Trowell Church Hall was the village church school from 1843-1967. A new school was completed in that year and these buildings reverted to the control of the church.
From 1967 to 2002, the cottage attached to the main building was occupied by the hall caretaker. Both the cottage and the main buildings have been changed inside but not outside.
We were looking at converting the cottage into a public resource, but the PCC decided in 2012 to follow up the ideas for developing the inside of St Helen’s church instead. The Hall continues to be well maintained but larger projects in this regard would be left to a later date.
The Hall is an asset to the village as it is not as large as the Parish Hall and so can accommodate smaller groups and societies. It is extensively used by church groups and many other groups belonging to the village. There are the regulars – senior citizens lunch club, the uniformed groups, The W.I. Choir, Keep Fit group, Drama and Music Group, Archery Club and Board Games Club. We also let to one-off groups – children’s parties up to the age of 11, jumble and carpet sales, exhibition and study groups.
The church uses the church hall for regular P.C.C. meetings, coffee mornings, Childrens’ groups and Mothers’ Union.
There is an equipped kitchen, car park, a fair-sized grass area for games. It is easily accessible on the A609 Nottingham to Ilkeston Road.