All people are always welcomed by all three churches, whatever their age. At St Helen’s, everybody is together as a church family at each service, including at the Village Breakfast, an activity service for the whole church family which takes place on odd-numbered months as part of our 3rd Sunday All-age & Family.

For those with young children (0-3 years), facilities are provided for parents to supervise their children during any part of the service.

Sunday school activities run during term time at every 10:30am service

Kids and Families @ St Helen's services

All our Sunday 10:30 am services during term time children are invited to take part in our Sunday club for part of the service which includes, games, exploring the bible, crafts and worship. Most weeks this is outside the service in the vestry however some weeks we run Sunday Club in the side aisle.

Lego Church @ St. Helens

Each 1st Sunday on the month, we explore bible adventures Brick by Brick.

We explore a bible story together through videos, Games and Model building.

All ages are welcome at Lego church, Visit our Lego Church Website for more Information.

Trowell Toddlers

Each Wednesday 1:30pm until 3pm during term time

We welcome Babies and Pre-schoolers with their parents, Grandparents and carers in the church.

We have a fun play session with colouring, Lots of toys and bible storytelling. It is a great place for parents, carers and grandparents to drop in for a coffee while keeping your little one busy, before the school pickup or just to break the day up.

£1.50 per Adult


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