Forthcoming Services
Please find below our calendar of services. We typically follow a regular pattern of services which, of course, changes slightly at special times. For example, at Christmas and Easter we hold special services at different times.
Along with many other churches, we are currently running a reduced number of services due to COVID-19 restrictions, but are looking forward to being able to get back to normal as soon as the situation allows!
Click on any of the titles in the calendar below to find out more.
Services at Awsworth shown in pink, Cossall shown in blue and Trowell shown in purple.
To find out more about special events running in each of the ACT Churches, please use these links: Awsworth events | Cossall events | Trowell events.
We livestream an all-age inclusive service from St. Helens every Sunday at 10:30am. Watch live or watch previous livestreams on our YouTube page.